Official poker rules are a way to ensure fairness and consistency among poker tournaments worldwide. Many countries have their own rules and regulations for poker, but the rules that are used in most major tournaments are the same everywhere. In 2008, Marcel Luske, a Dutch poker professional, founded the International Poker Federation, or FIDPA.

While many of the official rules are quite straightforward, other rules are unwritten. Players are expected to treat each other with respect and show appropriate etiquette. This is not to say that players should break them, but abiding by the rules can help make your poker game much more enjoyable. For example, players are discouraged from angle shooting, which is considered a form of cheating.

In order to avoid causing problems, players are encouraged to point out any errors in the decision of the game. This can include the incorrect amount of chips in the pot or an error in awarding a pot. This helps keep mistakes to a minimum. In addition to this, players must always remember to stay at the table for a certain period of time, and not leave immediately after winning a big pot. It is considered impolite to leave the table early or to disappear without giving others a chance to win back their chips.

The dealer will place a certain amount of chips on the table at the beginning of the game. In some tournaments, a dealer button is used to determine starting position. The dealer will then raise the blinds and antes regularly.
