In a world where you can book a flight ticket, purchase a movie ticket or check your bank balance with a simple tap on your mobile phone-it makes sense that lottery tickets would also be available online. The convenience of playing the lottery online saves you time, gas/transportation fare and money and it’s a great way to avoid the hassle of going out of your way to buy tickets. In addition, online sellers are open around the clock and can offer you various promotions and bonuses.

You’ll never have to worry about losing your ticket as online lottery sites will store it under your user profile along with the date and time of purchase. This will minimize the chances of someone else claiming your ticket and stealing your jackpot.

Online lottery sites also allow players to choose their numbers and play the game from anywhere in the world. This is ideal for those who travel a lot or have busy schedules. This type of service will save you time and energy, which is something that every lottery player appreciates.

In addition to buying lottery tickets online, you can use the PA Lottery Official App to check winning numbers and prizes on the go! The app is free to download and offers fun, convenience and information at your fingertips. The app allows users to scan their ticket’s barcode and check current jackpots, Xpress Sports results and more!
