Poker is a card game in which players compete for an amount of money or chips contributed by all the other players (the pot). Each player attempts to control the total amount of money in the pot by raising bets based on their own hand and on their prediction of what their opponents may have. The game of poker has a reputation for being primarily a game of chance, but it also requires a great deal of skill and psychology.

In most games, each player receives 2 cards face down. Once everyone has 2 cards, there is a round of betting that starts with the player to the left of the dealer. This round is capped at one raise per player, and raising is not allowed after the cap has been reached. If a player declares out loud that they are going to raise, they are bound by their declaration. In addition, players cannot bluff or try to distract other players.

A standard pack of 52 cards is used for most Poker games, but some games use multiple packs or add jokers. The four suits are spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs; the highest rank is Ace. Many games will specify if the jokers are wild, but some will allow them to take on any suit and rank.

Poker is a community-oriented game, and it is customary for a group to establish a set of rules, called house rules, that suit their preferences. These rules are typically written down so that the whole group is aware of them. If a rule is violated, it is considered a misdeal.
