Poker is a card game where individuals compete for an amount of money or chips contributed by the players themselves (called the pot). The cards are dealt randomly, and the success of each player’s hand depends on their prediction as to what their opponents may be holding and how they might behave.

There is no one set of rules for poker, and local customs and preferences vary. However, there are a number of poker laws that should be followed to maintain the integrity and fairness of the game. In addition, any club or group of players can make their own rules for their games, which are called house rules. These should be written down and shared with the players.

In most cases, only the player who opened the betting in a hand is entitled to cut. Any player who raises a bet must pay in at least one low-denomination chip. In a casino or home game, poker chips are usually colored to represent different denominations. A white chip is worth a minimum ante, while a red or blue chip is worth more. Tournament chips are often a different color and may bear the name of an event or host.

Players must use standard, unmistakable betting terms when facing action, such as bet, raise, call, fold, and all-in. Regional terms and gestures must be used with caution, as they might cause a confusion of meaning. In addition, no player may show their hand to another player or advisor while their action is pending. Cards should be pushed forward face down, not folded up and tossed high (“helicoptered”).
