When you sit down at a poker table, you should understand the rules and etiquette of the game. It can make the difference between a good and bad experience. Knowing these rules can help you win more money.
The first rule is to play the game with respect. This includes avoiding giving advice and criticism. It also means not making fun of mistakes.
Another rule is to not reveal the nature of your holding when you fold. In addition, keep your chips organized. This helps prevent your chips from falling into piles.
You should never leave the table during a hand. You should also avoid using cell phones at the table. These unwritten rules are designed to keep the atmosphere at the table positive.
The WFP (World Poker Federation) is an organization that manages the rules of poker. It is made up of more than 2,500 members in 63 countries. It has an annual competition called the World Series of Poker.
The WFP prohibits cheating. This includes not showing your hand or playing cards on the wrong side of the table. It also requires players to print their full name on the sign-in sheet. It also prohibits causing disturbances.
Other rules include a limit on how much you can raise and how fast you can roll. Slow rolling is considered cheating.
The maximum opening raise can be the entire amount of chips in your stack. You should also be courteous to other players.