Online slot, in their simplest form, are games of chance played on a series of reels filled with symbols. These are spun and then come to a stop, with wins created by landing matching symbols on pay lines running horizontally across the reels (though some online slots have vertical or diagonal pay lines too). In addition to this basic setup, many online slots offer huge jackpots that rise every time someone plays the game and can be worth millions of pounds.

The best online slot sites offer a massive variety of different games, from classic fruit slots to games based on TV shows and animals. However, not all casinos are created equal and finding one that suits your tastes requires some research. This includes investigating software providers, RTPs and volatility levels. It is also important to check whether a casino offers a generous welcome bonus for new players, as this makes the initial experience more fun.

Unibet’s online slot selection is wide and varied, with a great mix of both fixed jackpot games and progressive jackpot games. The former, in which a percentage of each bet goes towards the jackpot pool, are the more popular and offer some mind-blowing prizes, such as millions of pounds.

Unlike physical slot machines, which use a mechanical system to determine outcomes, online slots rely on software that creates random sequences for each spin. This software is tested and audited by independent agencies to ensure that it is completely unbiased.
